Bio identical Hormone therapy Daniel Island, SC

Overview of Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical hormones are identical in molecular structure to the hormones produced naturally in the human body. At Balance Hormone Clinic clinic in Daniel Island, we specialize in bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) to treat deficiencies and imbalances of key hormones like estrogen, progesterone and testosterone.

BHRT can provide relief from debilitating symptoms caused by peri/menopause, andropause or other hormonal issues. With customized treatment plans tailored to your unique needs, BHRT helps restore optimal hormonal balance so you can regain health, vitality and quality of life.

Key benefits of bioidentical hormones:

At Balance Hormone Clinic, our experienced endocrinologists and hormone specialists take a holistic approach focused on preventing disease through proactive hormone optimization. We provide cutting-edge testing and treatments backed by the latest scientific research.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step is advanced medical testing to check your hormone levels and identify any deficiencies or excesses. Common lab tests include:

Based on your test results, our clinicians create a customized treatment plan using FDA-approved bioidentical hormones and other modalities like nutrition plans or supplements. Follow-up testing ensures your levels are optimized for ideal health and wellbeing.

Our services

Regain balance and vitality with BHRT at Balance Hormone Clinic!

Treating Menopause with Bioidentical Hormones

For women over 40, balancing hormones becomes especially important. Perimenopause is the 5-10 year transition phase leading up to menopause, when estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate wildly. This hormonal chaos causes troublesome symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, irregular periods, low libido, anxiety, fatigue and trouble focusing.

As estrogen declines in perimenopause, women lose key protections against heart disease, osteoporosis and metabolism changes leading to weight gain. In menopause (12 months without a period), estrogen levels bottom out while testosterone declines more gradually over decades. Outright hormone deficiency after menopause underlies persistent struggles with sleep, mood, cognition, sexual health, bladder control and joint pain.

Customized BHRT Eases Menopause Symptoms

At Balance Hormone Clinic, we specialize in relieving perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms through customized bioidentical hormone therapy. Made from plant estrogens and progesterone identical to your body’s hormones, properly balanced BHRT helps women feel like themselves again.

With BHRT from Balance Hormone Clinic, most women experience:

We precisely calibrate combinations and doses of estrogen and progesterone suited to your needs through blood tests measuring hormone levels. Most patients use convenient creams, gels or slow-release pellets. Effects emerge gradually and optimal dosing avoids risks linked to oral or synthetic hormones. We also address factors like thyroid deficiencies, inflammation, stress and lifestyle issues sabotaging hormone balance.

Ongoing monitoring ensures proper levels, with dose adjustments as needed over the years. If customized correctly, the benefits of bioidentical hormones can last a lifetime! We’ve helped thousands of Minneapolis area women thrive through perimenopause, menopause and beyond with natural BHRT.

BHRT for Surgical Menopause

Women entering menopause prematurely after surgeries like oophorectomy or hysterectomy are especially vulnerable to crashing hormone levels wreaking havoc on health and wellbeing. Without the 5-10 year transition phase, these traumatic losses of ovarian/uterine function severely disrupt delicate hormone feedback systems.

Surgically-induced menopause causes abrupt estrogen declines provoking much more rapid bone loss plus higher long-term risks for cardiovascular disease and neurocognitive issues. Oophorectomy before natural menopause also appears to increase mortality risk.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, we prevent these declines by quickly restoring balanced hormone levels through customized bioidentical therapy. Our expertprotocols help ease this difficult transition by supporting stable mood, energy, sleep and overall health during sudden surgical menopause. The key is starting proper hormone therapy right away before deficiencies trigger cascading negative effects on quality and longevity of life.

Andropause Treatment for Low Testosterone in Men

While most associate declining hormones with menopause, men also face hormone changes with age known as andropause or low testosterone. Gradual testosterone decreases averaging 1-2% per year emerge in some men from the 30s-40s onward. Others maintain youthful levels until later ages.

Regardless of age, clinical testosterone deficiency affects up to 40% percent of men by the 70s. Low testosterone often makes men feel like they’re “losing their edge” with symptoms like:

Safe, Effective Low T Treatment

The Balance Hormone Clinic approach to andropause treatment starts with blood analysis confirming clinically low testosterone levels combined with metabolic testing. Custom therapeutic plans include:

With treatment, most men report increased energy and stamina, more restful sleep, sharper cognition, lifted mood and motivation, renewed libido and sexual potency, reduced body fat plus increased muscle mass and strength. In other words, bioidentical testosterone helps aging men regain their youthful vitality!

Monitoring and moderation are keys for realizing benefits from testosterone therapy while avoiding risks from excessive dosing like prostate issues or cardiovascular strain. Balance Hormone Clinicians calibrate to ideal levels based on symptoms and bloodwork, adjusting doses over time. We also monitor for potential side effects, which are rare with bioidentical hormones properly administered.

Thyroid Balance Crucial for Overall Health

While not technically a sex hormone, proper thyroid function is crucial for regulating reproduction, metabolism, growth and development. Imbalances in thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) contribute to problems like infertility, fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, bowel issues, high cholesterol and worsening menopause or andropause symptoms.

Low thyroid function causes hypothyroidism, where metabolism slows leading to fatigue, stubborn weight gain and swelling despite diet and exercise. Hyperthyroidism revs metabolism too high, causing anxiety, tremors, insomnia and dangerous cardiac arrhythmias.

At Balance Hormone Clinic, sensitive blood tests accurately diagnose hypo/hyperthyroidism. We restore optimal T3 and T4 levels through bioidentical thyroid supplementation combined with holistic modalities targeting root causes like chronic inflammation, gut health or hormonal interactions. Balancing thyroid hormones promotes sustainable health, energy and metabolism.

Hashimoto’s Disease

With Hashimoto’s disease, your immune system attacks the thyroid gland causing widespread inflammation and declining thyroid hormone output over months to years. Symptoms mimic low thyroid function. In addition to thyroid lab work, we test for elevated thyroid antibodies confirming Hashimoto’s autoimmune activity.

Our integrative treatment protocols combine thyroid supplementation with anti-inflammatory diets and natural agents like curcumin to calm autoimmune attacks. This halts Hashimoto’s progression so your thyroid can recover. Thyroid function improves along with energy, cognition and metabolism.

Regain hormonal balance with personalized BHRT treatment.

Lifestyle Factors Impacting Hormones

Achieving sustainable hormone balance requires an integrative approach addressing lifestyle factors that disrupt delicate hormonal feedback loops. Key areas Balance Hormone Clinic targets include:

Nutrient Deficiencies

Vitamin and mineral deficiencies hinder hormone production. We test levels of vitamin D, B12, zinc, selenium and more. Addressing shortfalls with professional supplements optimizes hormonal metabolism.

Blood Sugar Imbalances

Insulin resistance and blood glucose swings trigger inflammatory hormone cascades. We design diets stabilizing blood sugar. Metformin and berberine also dampen hormones like insulin that destabilize other hormones.

Mitochondrial Support

Cellular mitochondria generate energy driving hormone production. Boosting mitochondria with CoQ10, NAD and other supplements facilitates hormonal balance.

Gut Health

An unhealthy gut microbiome causes inflammation disrupting endocrine pathways. We use diet, prebiotics, probiotics and other modalities to optimize your gut ecosystem.

Stress Modulation

Chronic stress elevates cortisol, provoking hormonal chaos. We teach stress relief techniques while strategic use of phosphatidylserine, CBD, magnesium and theanine calms overactive stress responses.


Environmental toxins like plastics and pesticides obstruct hormone function. We map toxin exposures and clear accumulations through infrared sauna, nutrients and herbs that support natural detoxification pathways.

With in-depth testing, precise bioidentical hormones and holistic protocols targeting root causes of imbalance, Balance Hormone Clinic helps you resolve troublesome symptoms and reclaim lasting endocrine health. We also provide ongoing lifestyle guidance and monitoring so your custom treatment plan adapts over the years to your changing needs.

Contact us today at Balance Hormone Clinic to schedule advanced hormone testing and a consultation exploring options to help you look and feel your best at any age!

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